How to protect yourself![]() Most scams need you to do something before they can work. You may send money to someone based on a promise that turns out to be false. You may give your personal details to people who turn out to be scammers. Some scams rely on you agreeing to deals without getting advice first or buying a product without checking it out properly. The simple tips below will help you protect yourself and your family from scams. Scams can cost people a lot of money and cause a great deal of distress. By following these simple tips, you can protect yourself against scams.
Golden rules
Digging a little deeper
Protect your identity
Sending or transferring money
Dealing with a face-to-face approach
Telephone traps
Dealing with suspicious or unsolicited offers sent by email or SMS
Internet tips
Protecting your business
Keeping children safe online: CybersmartThe Cybersmart program is a national cybersafety education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). It provides a comprehensive range of information, resources and presentations designed to meet the needs of children, parents, teachers and library staff. The ACMA Cybersmart website is home to all its cybersafety resources, research and activities. For more information, visit Cybersmart or contact the Cybersafety Contact Centre on 1800 880 176. Find out more about scams |
What to do if you've been scammed; Scams & the law; Report a scam.
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